At the end of the second allocation agreement of the C2D-funded project, the results recorded so far show a convincing implementation.
Created in June 2007, the C2D-PSFE has already benefited from two assignment agreements. After a positive evaluation of the impact of the first agreement, a second agreement was signed in June 2012. Entitled "Management and monitoring of Cameroon's forests", its directive is to strengthen the FESP's actions in favour of the sustainable management of production forests, the wood processing sector and the implementation of a REDD+ strategy for an increased contribution of the sector to development and poverty alleviation. After seven years of implementation of the PSFE2, the synthesis of achievements in its various components is more than satisfactory.
The first of the components: management of production forests Domaine Forestier Permanent (DFP) allowed a definition of second generation forest management. Forest inventories could be improved through the provision to the central and decentralized services of the Ministry of Forests and Fauna (MINFOF) of forest and computer equipment; rolling stock and the publication of operating inventory guidelines with geo-referenced stems. The capacity of the actors involved in the various phases of the DFP's production forest management has been strengthened through subsidies to 04 forest training institutions, 16 forest communes, 11 NGOs and Associations, 06 consulting firms, 06 forestry companies....
The second: creation of an Operational Unit for the Management of Forest and Fauna Statistics (UOGSFF) has improved knowledge of the timber and other products sector. The capacity of actors involved in the processing of forest products has been strengthened through the training of more than 500 wood craftsmen. The reforested areas are now increasing through the subsidy of 268 ha of reforestation by 6 communes in dry and wet savannah areas or the availability of a reference database for the UOGSFF.
The third component, permanent monitoring by satellite imagery of the cover in connection with the REDD+ mechanism, has led to the creation of the Operational Unit for Forest Cover Monitoring, the establishment of the Operational Unit for Capacity Building in Forest Management, the creation of Geomatics laboratories at the University of Yaoundé 1, Dschang and CRESA among others.
In the end, this project has made it possible to participate in the well-being of the populations in various strata, such as the Administrations in charge of Wildlife Forests and the Environment, Forest Training Institutions as well as training schools in woodworking, design offices, economic operators in the sub-sector, Decentralised Territorial Communities...