The objective of coordination, harmonization and efficiency in the implementation of STADE C2D has led the State of Cameroon to set up a formal C2D steering and monitoring framework involving all development actors. In accordance with the priorities of the Government's economic and social policy documents (PRSP/GESP), this participatory framework involves both central and decentralized administrations, local and regional authorities, the private sector, investors and donors, civil society and beneficiary populations.
- • Steering and Monitoring Committee (COS)
- • French Development Agency
- • The Technical Support Secretariat devoted to the implementation of C2D (STADE-C2D).
The technical, administrative and financial follow-up of C2D operations is ensured by the Bilateral Technical Committee (BTC), a Franco-Cameroonian joint body composed of five (5) representatives of each of the parties. Its membership is extended to representatives of non-State actors (Civil Society Organisations and the local and regional authorities) as observers. Chaired by the General Manager of the Autonomous Sinking Fund (ASF), The BTC provides the coordination interface between the French and Cameroonian authorities involved in the preparation and implementation of C2Ds. Discussions and exchanges within it lead to consensual resolutions of all its members.
On behalf of France, it oversees the drawing up of the programmes and ensures their technical and operational follow-up.
Its mission is to support the Steering and Monitoring Committee (COS) and the Bilateral Technical Committee (BTC) in the performance of their respective missions. This is a permanent structure, a real linchpin in the institutional set-up of the C2D, which works in close collaboration with the sectoral monitoring bodies. Its many activities are carried out by a multidisciplinary team headed by a Coordinator assisted by support staff and civil servants on secondment.
Specifically, the Technical Support Secretariat has the responsibility to:
- consolidate, under the supervision of BTC-C2D, the technical and financial data relating to the monitoring of the implementation of C2D programmes and projects;
- oversee the secretariat and the organization of COS and BTC sessions and ensure the follow-up of their recommendations;
- supervise the financial monitoring of the C2D through the consolidation of budgetary and financial information on the one hand, and the implementation and monitoring of audit and programme evaluation work on the other hand;
- monitor the studies controlled at both the transversal and sectoral levels and;
-ensure, under the supervision of the CTB-C2D, the definition and implementation of an organized and structured communication strategy on C2D

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C2D Cameroun